IÖB Challenge: VIEW convinces Wiener Linien

The jury of experts was overwhelmed by the number and quality of the entries. In an intensive discussion and evaluation of the submissions based on the requirements of the challenge, 6 winners were identified. Still, the decision was not an easy one. The companies were invited to the innovation dialogue in order to present their ideas and to exchange ideas with Wiener Linien.
The innovations are intended to help ensure that passengers can travel safely and with a feeling of security in the WIENER LINIEN network.
Innovative solutions were sought that would support WIENER LINIEN in ensuring the safety of passengers at a high level and increasing the subjective feeling of security.
With the submissions for this challenge, WIENER LINIEN receives an overview of possible solutions and potential partners. In order for a proposed solution to be in good hands at this IÖB Challenge, it has to be one thing: INNOVATIVE
VIEW, as one of the winners, was invited to the innovation dialogue with its concept "From bus shelter to SafeHouse" (AI + security + infotainment).
VIEW SafeHouse turns the "non-location*" bus shelter into a place where you can linger and relax.
*) The French anthropologist Marc Augé uses the term “non-location” to refer to mono-functionally used areas in urban and suburban areas, such as train stations and airports, elevators and, of course, bus shelters. The difference to the traditional, especially anthropological place is the lack of history, relation and identity and a certain communicative neglect with corresponding alienation and avoidance rituals.
VIEW SafeHouse creates the following added value:
- Increased security in the waiting area (autonomous emergency detection using AI)
- Barrier-free emergency call (based on the 2-senses principle and multilingual)
- Information timetables & connections for those waiting and passengers
- Information eMobility offers
- Individual information offers
- Advertising revenue
- Reduction of vandalism
- Reduction of the effort for analogue notices
Weitere Informationen: https://www.ioeb-innovationsplattform.at/challenges/detail/oeffentlicher-nahverkehr-sicher-mit-einem-guten-gefuehl-unterwegs/