Our vision

We develop technology and services that are manufacturer-independent, can be used universally for all systems in the existing plant and connect all stakeholders with one another in order to increase SAFETY and QUALITY and to reduce COSTS and EFFORT.

Our mission

Our mission at VIEW is to make elevator monitoring & management SMART, SAFE and SIMPLE. We provide lift operators, property managers and managers with manufacturer-independent control over their valuable assets. By networking all stakeholders and also digitizing offline processes, we help them to optimize the efficiency of elevator management and life cycle costs and at the same time increase lifetime value and safety for operators and users.

We are rethinking the elevator. That is why we are rethinking elevator management and we are making the emergency call button superfluous

Our values


We are passionate about our customers and users and about the goal of improving their lives. In everything we do.


We prefer to think barrier-free and create solutions that go beyond the comfort zones of the existing rules of technology.


We do not see the “state of the art” as our goal, but as a platform for our next innovations.


None of us can do all of this alone. Our most important team members include our customers and users. We are convinced that we can only win sustainably together. That is why we always make sure to create sustainable added value for all stakeholders.